Thursday, February 05, 2009

We're not dodging your phone calls

Answering the telephone one day this week involved some laughter and a caller who said, “I figured you’d be hiding behind a voice mail message.” It generated a chuckle because sometimes that is tempting, but the job of Reader Representative is to face the music, take the calls and try to explain why we do the things we do.

When the phone goes to voice mail it’s because I can’t take the call — not because I’m dodging it.

Some of our readers seem to think we spend our days plotting ways to disappoint them and/or make them miserable. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

-- This week we have some readers who are disappointed the Dennis the Menace comic strip now appears only in our Sunday paper, but not on the daily comic page. That panel was replaced by the very popular Dinette Set comic. There are multiple reasons for that change.

One is that we continue to evolve with the changing marketplace, including trying to present a product that appeals to a broad spectrum of readers. You might not like every comic on the page, but you probably like some of them. We’d like to offer that same option to other readers, who might like some you don’t and vice versa.

Another is that Dennis, like some other comics and features in the paper, is no longer created by its original author.

By way of explanation: Suppose a skilled chemical engineer works at one of the local refineries for 30 years then retires. He’d like his 22-year-old son — who also is an engineer but just graduated from college — to have his job at the same salary he got for his 30 years of experience. That’s some of what has happened in the world of syndicated material, which is what comics and many columns are.

The Enterprise would rather pay an eager 22-year-old with some fresh new ideas to enliven our comic page than pay a 22-year-old seeking consistency rather than innovation to continue to produce the same old thing.

But it’s not all about money. It’s as much about creativity and forward-thinking as economics.

-- For those readers who think we don’t listen to their complaints – you’re wrong. We listen, we consider, and sometimes we even make changes based on what you tell us. We usually even have good reasons for the things we do.

When we redesigned our features section to become what is now BE, one of the small changes we made was to the Sunday crossword puzzle. It bothered some of us that the portion of the puzzle that required the reader to fill in blanks was across the fold of the paper. How much easier it would be, we thought, if we put the puzzle at the top of the page and the clues underneath? So we did that.

Several readers have let us know the error of our ways. They tell us that clues are always supposed to be above the blank spaces to facilitate quick completion of the puzzle. With the clues at the bottom, they constantly have to move their arm back and forth as they work the puzzle. So we’re changing it back this coming Sunday.

-- And though the red-faced Enterprise staff would love to call less attention to this problem, every reader who reads the daily corrections on page 2A probably would like to comment on how many corrections we have.

The list one day this week included more than a dozen mistakes. It is professionally and publicly embarrassing, but we feel like it is important to our credibility to acknowledge them. Some errors like wrong titles, omitted names, and completely wrong information, obviously demand immediate correction. Others like wrong page numbers in the index or on a continued line don’t make much difference after the fact, but we feel it is important to our credibility to acknowledge them.

We will, as we do every day, try to do better. In the meantime, please don’t think of us too harshly. Openly admitting our mistakes is one way we hope we can do a better job of producing your paper. No other media is likely to so publicly and prominently confess its shortcomings. We do it because we think it is our duty as a public trust to tell you when we err and to give you correct information.

-- As always, if you have a problem or concern with your paper, please call (409-880-0748) or e-mail ( the Reader Representative. You might not get changes you want in your paper, but you will have a chance to voice your opinion.

And I will answer the telephone or call you back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found it very ironic that on the same day this column was posted, a car ad on the last page of the paper stated "whether you buy from us are not." I guess that will happen a lot more frequently not that the Enterprise isn't printed in Beaumont anymore. hahahahaha

7:24 AM  
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11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is an old post, but I just have to respond.

Gee whiz, Anonymous. You MUST know that ad content is created in a completely separate department from the editorial content. If not, then I'll let you know that ads are also approved by THE PEOPLE WHO PAY FOR THEM. If the client thought that car ad was fine the way it was spelled, well...they paid for it. Often, too, ad agencies create ads, not the Enterprise.

Ads and stories are (supposed to be) separate deals. It's like comparing apples to fan belts.

And lest you think that I work for the Enterprise, I don't. In fact, I work for a different publication here in Texas. I just thought I'd clarify just a tad.

1:58 PM  
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