Friday, December 19, 2008

Mistakes happen, but we keep trying

More than 30 years in the newspaper business has taught me many lessons, not the least of which is, there’s always tomorrow.

The very nature of the hundreds of facts, thousands of key strokes and technological mazes that have to be negotiated, makes it close to a miracle that a newspaper is produced every 24 hours. Making the product perfect is virtually impossible. We work very hard every day to try to do it, and some times we come close. On other days, we just try again.

Monday was such a day.

As announced on the front of the Dec. 7 TV Week, The Enterprise is discontinuing that weekly separate product that was inserted in the Sunday edition. Inadequate advertising support and the fact that so many other, better, options exist for television listings motivated the decision. (Including a link on our Website.) We announced it again, on the front page of the paper, on Sunday, Dec. 14th.

Our alternative, started well in advance of that discontinuation, was to list each day’s programs in the daily pages of The Enterprise along with other entertainment news of interest.

Then, as though some ominous newspaper gremlin had cast a spell upon us, the Monday paper contained the television listings for Sunday’s programs. It didn’t matter that, in checking how the mistake was made, the blame fell on a computer glitch. It didn’t matter that it was only one day. What mattered is that it was a huge mistake that disappointed many of our readers.

We apologize, both for the mistake and the disappointment. We will continue to strive for perfection and hope our readers recognize that sometimes it’s impossible . . . and there's always tomorrow.


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