Thursday, November 02, 2006

Is your newspaper biased?

This photo has been floating around the Internet since yesterday. "Halp us Jon Carry - We R stuck hear n Irak," reads the sign reputedly held by soldiers from the Minnesota National Guard, now stationed in Talil, Iraq. The photo obviously pokes fun at U.S. Sen. John Kerry's remarks this week that were interpreted as saying, "stupid and lazy American kids will be 'stuck' in Iraq."

One blogger posted it today with a question: Is your newspaper biased? He helpfully provided the answer: If they don't run this photo, they are.

Ah, if bias were only so simple to spot. Might the newspaper that runs it be biased in favor of the blogger? Isn't that just as biased? And if you don't see it in your local newspaper, might there be reasons beyond bias (such as authenticity)?

Newspapers struggle every day to remove bias as much as possible from content. Because we are human reporters and editors, so-called "bias" might be as benign as choosing the verb "leaped" when some people believe the subject actually "hopped." Often, what readers might see as bias is unconscious, but very subtle. And sometimes -- rarely -- it raises its ugly head in more malignant ways ... but it's far rarer than amateur media critics believe.

Once, after writing a passionate and forceful editorial, an angry reader called to chastise me for my "biased opinions." I asked him: "What other opinions are there?" What you read on our editorial and op-ed pages ARE opinions. If they are editorials, they reflect the opinion of the newspaper as an institution. Everything else is printed to make you think, and here at The Enterprise, we try to cover as many perspectives as space permits.

I believe the real bias is in the reader. Increasingly, the reader comes to his media reports with firm convictions. If those reports support his convictions, they are deemed "fair." If they don't, they are "biased." If you believe President Bush is a misunderstood hero, then any report that suggests otherwise is "biased. If you believe Hillary Clinton is God's deliberate gift to mankind, then any story that celebrates her is "fair." But chances are, those reports were factual and even presented varied views.

Here's the part that will cause you to post a response: People genuinely want media bias .... as long as it suits their prefabbed biases. They love bias, if it's THEIR bias. One reason Fox News has become a darling of conservative media consumers is that its perceived (and perhaps real) bias supports their views. Fox viewers don't rail against Fox's bias; they embrace it.

It's unlikely you'll see the John Kerry photo above in The Enterprise. Does it mean we're biased? No. Would it mean we're not biased if it popped up here? No. We try harder than you can imagine to keep our news columns free of bias, and you can trust me on this, when we fail, we have a couple hundred thousand eyes ready to catch us. I think, all in all, The Enterprise and most mainstream newspapers do a good job of keeping bias out of the news.

But that's just my bias.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, the NY Times endorsed an entire set of candidates for the upcoming election. They did not endorse a single Republican. They did NOT run this photo. The NY Post endorsed Republicans. They DID run this photo. On their front page. The Minneapolis Star Tribune also endorsed no Republicans. They did NOT run this photo. The GI's in the Photo are from a Minnesota unit.

Do you think these newspapers are biased?

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, I'm glad you are so kind as to assure of us your unbiased nature. I don't read your newspaper so I don't know if you are biased or not. But I'll tell you this, I wouldn't take your word for it, I'd let my reading of your coverage of the issues decide the issue. CNN says they are not biased either. Do you believe that? Do you believe the NY Times is unbiased? Do you believe the Wall Street Journal is unbiased? Do you belive that NPR is unbiased?

More to the point. Do you believe Fox News is unbiased?

Answer those questions honestly and we'll know exactly where your true bias lies.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Ron Franscell said...

Once again, we must separate a media outlet's opinion pages from its news coverage. Does the New York Times' editorial position tend to the left? Yes. Does the Wall Street Journal's tend to the right? Yes. Do I believe their editorial-page opinions infuse their news content? No.

I believe Fox News and CNN reporters do a fairly good job of balancing their reports ... but most Americans believe that Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs and Nancy Grace are reporters. They are not, and their jobs are analogous to newspaper columnists' jobs ... to provoke conversation, thought and high blood pressure. (Plus, broadcast has the added burden of entertainment that newspapers generally don't ... and many journalistic sins have been committed for entertainment's sake.)

My comments are about news content only. As I said, editorial and op-ed pages are purposefully chocked full of opinions. News columns are more sacred to us. A good newspaperman places far more value on being fair than on swaying increasingly unswayable readers

Can we find evidence of "bias" in any medium on any given day? I suspect so, yes. But I go back to my original definition: One person's bias will be another person's fairness, so it would be difficult for us to agree on the degree of it.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how to put this politely. You are either a fool or a liar.

CNN, CBS, ABC, NYTimes, etc are blatantly and obvioudly biased towards the Left. Their news is so skewed that it is embarrassing. The NYTimes in their explanation from their ombudsman of why they ran the story on the banking surveillance as much as admitted they ran the story because they hate Bush.

Fox News is just as blatantly biased towards the right.

As I said, you are either a fool or a liar.

7:37 PM  
Blogger John Bachelor said...

Opinions ARE biased. Classic! I say that trying to please everyone all at once is like preparing the same meal for a bunch of people. Some people will like it, some will love it, some will hate it, some will claim discrimination, some will sue for food poisoning, some won't even eat, some will claim they never got fed, and yet others will claim cruelty to animals. Damn the people. Great blog article, btw.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Ron Franscell said...

That's the problem with debate in America today. It generally ends with someone calling someone else a fool, liar or Hitler-lover.

Discourse is no longer civil because people with extreme views have lost their ability to tolerate reasoned and reasonable alternative views. One wonders if Voltaire might have adjusted his famous quotation in 2006 to say: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend my right to call you a liar or a fool for saying it."

Cosmic, I don't know you ... nor you me. You admit you have never read my newspaper, and aren't really sure who and who doesn't work here. But you're utterly certain that I'm a fool or a liar because I disagree with your belief (based upon relatively scant evidence) that a handful of major American media outlets are unabashed and wholesale traitors to basic journalistic fairness. Such cynicism must be a terrible burden.

For every exhibit you submit to prove the bias on a media outlet, I could probably submit at least one provign otherwise. For example, you say CBS is "blatantly and obviously bias to the Left," which suggests the network wouldn't consider doing a fair piece about American soldiers's good works in Iraq. Yet last Sunday, CBS aired a marvelous piece about the medics and doctors who save our troops' lives -- as well as the lives of Iraqis who need their help. All in all, it was a very moving and positive piece about the war effort.

It's not fair to judge any person or institution on an incomplete assessment. Media outlets misstep daily, but I truly believe they are generally more intent on being fair and balanced than the average blogger.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Brian Pearson said...

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anybody seen any software that will unlock a Motorola mobile phone without cables?
Seen some software called 'Mototools 6' at that will unlock without cables.
Anybody used this software, does it work???
Sorry if posting in wrong section, new to this. Thanks in advance for any help.

1:51 AM  

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